Kansas Prog Blog Demands 'Pro-Life' Support For Gaza Ceasefire

This activist screed attempts a slightly clever spin in order to convince Johnson County housewives that it's their duty to back terrorist factions in the Middle-East . . . Here's the word . . .

"Upholding the freedom of choice, the Kansas constitution protects the right to abortion, but anti-abortion legislators continue to introduce bill after bill to dismantle this liberty. They supposedly mean to protect the sanctity of life, which they argue begins at conception.

"Yet they are silent when it comes to the murder of the living and breathing young ones who exist outside of the womb, including more than 12,000 Palestinian children who have been killed in the past five months at the hands of the Israeli government, aided and abetted by President Joe Biden and his administration and paid for with our tax dollars.

"Time and time again, it doesn’t seem that all lives matter."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Waiting for 'pro-life' legislators in Kansas to call for a ceasefire in Gaza - Kansas Reflector

Kansas policymakers and lobbyists who label themselves "pro-life" should be on the frontlines with the rest of us demanding a ceasefire.
