Kansas City Politicos Sound Off Against GOP Amid Amid Celebratory Gunfire Debate

The only problem with the arguments . . . 

Legislation proposing crackdowns on errant shooting that endangers innocent people is popular across the aisle as well. 

Check the description . . .

"The largely bipartisan-supported bill on celebratory gunfire represents a rare effort to regulate guns in a state with some of the most expansive laws on firearm ownership.

"Already emotional Republicans and Democrats used Monday's debate on the measure to fight over the best way to address last weeks shooting, and gun violence more broadly."

A minor quibble . . .

This isn't really a crackdown on guns but a rare instance of some progressive Kansas City leaders supporting police and advocating punishment for criminals. 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Missouri House votes to ban celebratory gunfire days after Chiefs' parade shooting

Missouri's Republican-led House on Monday passed a bill to ban celebratory gunfire in cities less than a week after a deadly shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl parade.
