This might be the only "road diet" that might prove beneficial for locals.
Credit to Raygun for a glimpse at how this beloved bridge helps define Kansas City.
Now here's the update . . .
The city installed a warning system in front of the bridge near Wilson Avenue and Topping Avenue.
Kansas City's most infamous bridge has garnered local and national attention due to all of the semi-trucks that have struck it over the years.
Officials started in 2022 to work with the Kansas City Terminal Railroad to implement a warning system for larger trucks approaching the bridge.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Has the Independence Avenue Bridge in Kansas City eaten its last meal? A new warning system has been installed
Kansas City's most infamous bridge has garnered local and national attention due to all of the semi-trucks that have struck it over the years.
Low bridge warning curtain install completed | Northeast News
Michael BushnellPublisher After a series of delays, contract extensions and forced public engagement sessions, the low bridge warning curtain system has been installed on both sides of the infamous Independence...
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