Kansas City 'Heat Island' Report Emerges Amid Balmy Start To February

Actually . . . 

Fake Spring is a Kansas City tradition for as long as we can remember . . . The bitter cold is likely to return but after an arctic chill today's warmer weather gives hope to so many sad women across the metro. 

In the meantime, public radio take a moment to scare us all regarding impending skyfall . . .

Kansas City, Missouri used its heat mapping data from 2021 to understand where the city lacked tree canopy.

Andy Savastino, chief environmental officer with the city said that helped inform a new policy to preserve the city's tree canopy.

"Now, any time a developer wants to come into areas where there is an old growth forest, our tree preservation ordinance, which we never had one before, applies so that there is a requirement for developers to replace a percentage of the trees they take down," he said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

How mapping 'heat islands' is helping Kansas City and other towns prepare for extreme heat

Kansas City and several other cities worked with NOAA to map neighborhoods to find out how heat impacts neighborhoods. The data can help cities prepare and adapt to a warmer world.
