Secretive New Kansas City Royals Downtown Stadium DOOMED

I'm gonna try my best not to get preachy. 

Already, I had to nix a post idea about the "feet of clay" at the foundation of this new stadium tax deal. 

Ask your priest if good can come from evil . . . TKC can't even figure out how the toaster works in order to consistently warm a quality bagel and/or some of the skinnier pan dulce offerings. 

But after decades of watching local government, here's what this blog community knows as fact: 


Call it karma or just deserts . . . But when politicos & developers collab without public oversight the results are ALWAYS disastrous. 

There are are too many examples which prove this axiom but here's a couple of recent instances that stand out:

New KCI is poorly designed Chinese glass & steel garbage that doesn't even have a dedicated pedestrian walkway from the parking lot to the terminal . . . As time goes by more people now feel comfortable to push back against the hype and realize what a dud the public was sold that was built with only minimal input from voters. 

The downtown convention hotel is quickly going bankrupt and in need another 12th & Oak cash infusion. Voters weren't allowed any say on MILLIONS worth of subsidy for a structure that garnered its grand opening at the outset of a global pandemic.

We won't belabor the toy train streetcar disaster but only remind readers that the free ride FAIL killed Christmas biz for Main Street merchants last year and this mode of transit is ALSO quickly running out of cash.

But the past is prologue . . . 

A quick preview of the road ahead for the new Royals stadium . . . 

Activists and "urban leaders" are first in line at this feeding trough and we shouldn't forget that "community benefit" is just another word for payoff by way of taxpayer dollars. 

This is important . . .


For the love of sweet baby Jebus, please don't bore the hell out of us with old Star building hype . . . 

Worst of all . . .

The proposed tax will likely pass in April but secretive design and construction pretty much GUARANTEES a disaster in the making. 

Jackson County is going to commit HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to a process with few checks and/or balances, very little oversight and nothing but promises from politicos, developers and the Royals ownership group who have all been less than forthcoming during this deceptive process. 

And so we offer more than just a moment of doubt or a dire prediction . . . Let this post and our blog community serve as a warning that any project built under these circumstances is nothing less than CURSED by incompetence and a nearly absolute disrespect for local Democracy. 

Read more via links . . .

County Legislature considers April election for stadium question

"I think an April, or really even a 2024 ballot question is irresponsible."

North Kansas City residents, businesses react to Royals stadium decision

North Kansas City residents discuss their reactions to the Royals deciding where they'd like to build their new stadium. KSHB 41 found there's no hard feelings.

The Royals finally have a real plan for their downtown stadium

I can't say I'm happy about it but I'm not entirely displeased, either.

Developing . . .
