KCPD Chief Takes Questions as 12th & Oak Attempts Blame Shift

Today Kansas City politicos start the new year by working diligently to place blame for last year's historic slaughter.

Perspective and our TKC news preview . . .

Today, the KCPD Chief will take questions from the local media and quite a few local "journalists" already have marching orders and spin built into their questions. 

We've heard a lot of the argument before but here's the crux of the debate that will confront KCPD Chief Stacey Graves: 

Will the KCPD top cop help to achieve KCMO "local control" that MIGHT curb local violence???

This is a dumb-ass talking point and a sketchy supposition which isn't based on any data AND ignores that STL violence spiked immediately after they "achieved" so-called local control. Still, this distraction serves as the urban activist piƱata which holds a great deal of funding goodies for whoever can crack it open. 

Now . . . 

The KCPD Chief deserves credit for facing questions head on instead of opting for softball sit down interviews like Mayor Q. 

Today might hold more deets regarding KCPD anti-crime plans and that provides the only hope for change given very little leadership from city hall. 

However . . . 

The road ahead for the KCPD Chief is going to be rough . . . 

East side leaders are now openly attacking assigning blame to the top cop rather than holding urban politicos accountable for budget battles & caustic rhetoric that distracts from more substantive conversations about community policing improvements. 

And since we're talking about blame . . .

Nobody seems to want to hold our extremist progressive friends accountable for so much anti-cop rhetoric that STILL thwarts desperately needed police recruiting efforts. 

Finally . . .

So many East side leaders have complained about the lack of "a plan" but then continually rely on stale and depressingly familiar civil rights era tactics & advocacy for no-show jobs while the slaughter of urban youth continues unabated . . . No matter how many millions line the pockets of the leadership class and their old school voting "machine" tactics.

Meanwhile . . . 

Going into an election year, there is very little hope for progress inasmuch as the conversation about Kansas City's historic homicide count falls along partisan lines and speaks to pointless culture war rather than practical policing strategies. 

Again . . . Just a bit of hope . . . Today the KCPD top cop might offer more deets on realistic strategies and policing rather than social justice newspeak that dominates every utterance from 12th & Oak.

Developing . . . 
