Here's a peek at cash from the feds that hopes to offer income assistance in the "Golden Ghetto" that increasingly offers shelter to many people & families in need . . . This quote offers a glimpse at the basics & then a link to more info . . .
"Housing authorities that serve these communities now will be required to adopt a new Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMR) calculation for residents receiving housing choice vouchers starting Jan. 1, 2025.
"SAFMR allow agencies like the Johnson County Housing Authority to set payment standards for the maximum amount of rental and utility subsidies it can provide a family.
"Starting next year, SAFMR will be calculated based on the ZIP code where the property is located versus a standard rate for the entire county. According to the Johnson County Community Housing Study, median rent varies greatly in cities throughout the county. Census data from 2018 shows rents as low as $634 in Spring Hill to as high as $1,750 in Westwood Hills.
' “We’re allowed to go up to 110% of the fair market rent for our jurisdiction as published by HUD,” said Heather McNeive, director of housing services for the Johnson County Housing Authority. “Because of the extreme rental variances in our community, our low-income families were having trouble accessing units at 110%.” '
Read more via link . . .
New HUD guidelines will open up housing options for low income residents in Johnson County - Kansas City Business Journal
In an effort to combat rising rental costs, HUD will reset criteria for housing choice vouchers starting next year. That means low-income residents will be able to find homes in parts of Johnson County that are closer to Downtown.
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