Westwood Threatens Neighbors Against Park Sale, Kansas Justice Institute Speaks Out

A suburban land deal sparks intense debate . . .

Even worse . . .


Here's reporting from the very best conservative blog in Kansas . . .

When opponents objected and said state law gave residents the right to petition to put approval of the sale on a ballot for public vote, the city proceeded to send threatening letters.

A “cease-and-desist” letter, dated Nov. 8, 2023, from Westwood City Attorney Ryan B. Denk to Todd Hauser threatened legal action if Hauser refused to withdraw his objections, accusing him and other opponents of “tortious interference” and “slander of title.”

“This correspondence responds to your correspondence dated October 12 and 19, 2023 asserting an objection to the sale of City property located at 5000 Rainbow due to alleged non-compliance with K.S.A. 12-1301,” the letter reads. “Simply stated, your objection is without merit, and the City is prepared to take such legal action against you and/or your clients as may be necessary to protect its title and its contractual relationships.”

The response . . . 

"It doesn’t matter what side of the debate you’re on, what matters is that you’re able to debate it without being threatened with a lawsuit by the government. 

"The City of Westwood should immediately—and publicly—withdraw its threatening letter and affirm the right of the people to speak freely on matters of public concern."

-KJI litigation director Sam MacRoberts

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas Justice Institute demands Westwood stop violating free speech rights over park sale - The Sentinel

The City of Westwood has threatened legal action against residents who object to selling a city park to a developer.

Developing . . .
