Neighbors Fear KC Current Lady Soccer Stadium Parking Hot Mess

There might not be enough space for suburbanite fans to park & walk to soccer games. 

To be fair . . . This is an optimistic worry and we think a death of fans after the first season will provide more than enough parking . . . And there's always that pricey new streetcar extension that lady soccer fans can share with hobos on a hot summer day.

Accordingly . . . Here's another sign of questionable municipal planning in the making . . .

"It’s a big concern for people who live next to the new stadium because free spots as it is are already scarce.

"While more work needs to be done, leaders with Port KC who own the apartment complex next to the stadium say there is a plan being drawn up right now. At this point, people who live there haven’t heard much about it.

"Right off Berkley Parkway, there have been some fields cleared on the west side of the stadium which locals believe would make great tailgating spots. Otherwise, they don’t believe there’s enough space to go around."

Read more via link . . .

Residents near KC Current new stadium want answers on gameday parking plans

Even before construction on the KC Current's new stadium is complete, season ticket holder spots are sold out.
