Posted only because progressive local media is making an effort to help this Kansas City politico work on SOMETHING, ANYTHING besides LGBT issues . . . And this one is as ALMOST good as any other.
Take a peek:
Sen. Greg Razer (D - Jackson County) pre-filed legislation calling for voter approval of any partnership of a Missouri-based health care facility and an out-of-state health care system operated by an institution of higher learning.
Razer says his concerns lie in the fact KU Health System isnt a for-profit or independent nonprofit organization.
This is a part of the Kansas government, a part of the State of Kansas governed by a board, appointed by the governor of Kansas, planting a flag in the state of Missouri, Razer said. Not to benefit Missourians, but to take from Missourians to benefit Kansans.
Razer hopes his bill if passed and signed into law would give residents in the hospital district a chance to have a say.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Missouri state senator wants voters to have say in KU Health System, Liberty Hospital merger
A Missouri senator representing a part of Jackson County has filed a bill to give voters the final say in a proposed merger of the University of Kansas Health System and Liberty Hospital.
University of Kansas deal with Missouri hospital feels 'terribly wrong' to lawmakers * Missouri Independent
Liberty Hospital and the University of Kansas Health System announced a partnership this fall. Some lawmakers want to stop it.
Developing . . .
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