KK Compares Former Prez Trump To Lincoln

Credit to this conservative sports talker . . . He actually offers a great deal of old school American perspective on the topic that might not be covered in current gender neutral textbooks . . . Check-it:

"It's pretty hard to make a former president and billionaire look like a victim but the Dems have found a way by bouncing Trump off the ballot in Colorado.  Now more states want to drop him, just like the racist Dems did in 1860 when they kept Abe Lincoln off the ballot in 10 states.  It's time for America to learn history and the Constitution."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Dems Dumped Lincoln Too, KS Gov Eyes Taylor Swift, Another Baby for Tyreek, K Balls Cost Butker, Simulation Likes Chiefs | Kevin Kietzman Has Issues

It's time for America to learn history and the Constitution.
