KCPD Staffing Concerns Cont'd Amid Critical 2023 Retirements

Amid culture war and ongoing debate with 12th & Oak . . . Supporters of police have expressed concern about Kansas City police staffing issues going forward. 

A quote from local criminologist Dr. Ernest Evans . . .

The strength of the Department at the end of 2022 was 1142 officers—down from 1363 at the end of calendar year 2019. 

For years, police leaders have warned us about problems recruiting new officers and the desperate need for more law enforcement on local streets. Given that ongoing crisis, it's clear that hiring more cops hasn't been a priority for local leaders in years if not decades. 

Accordingly, at the end of 2023 . . . The situation seems even more urgent going forward.

Via AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS, here's the word sent to www.TonysKansasCity.com today . . .

"There are at least three retirements at KCPD today. One at Metro, two downtown at Headquarters. Brad Lemon is retiring from law enforcement today at Headquarters. He will still be at the FOP though."

Developing . . .
