Kansas City Mandatory Housing Voucher Participation Feared

This week, below the radar, there has been rising opposition against a controversial proposal crafted by "tenants rights" activists and endorsed by Mayor Quinton Lucas. 

More notably . . . 

The Apartment Association Of Kansas City opposes "source of income" legislation. Currently, they're reaching out to council in order to convey their concerns. 

Some of their arguments aren't that important . . . Requiring more information to be given to tenants isn't really such a hardship just another hassle of doing biz in KCMO. 

However . . .

Their most relevant complaint deserves consideration and impacts every resident of Kansas City.


Consider . . .  

This is a big deal for a lot of reasons but mostly because it will only serve to drive more small time providers OUT OF THE MARKET and further limit housing supply . . . ACTUALLY, TKC wants more affordable housing for people and this effort seems to actively discourage home providers . . . Especially those on the low end. 

Also . . . 

We should all agree that MANDATORY PARTICIPATION IN FEDERAL & LOCAL HOUSING PROGRAMS not only seems Orwellian but also, again, enforces an unnecessary burden on small biz. 

Again, we're highlighting the AAKC arguments that seem the most legit . . .

Here's what some claim will result from KCMO legislation outlawing "source of income" discrimination: 

- Make Housing Voucher participation mandatory not voluntary for housing providers.

- Penalize housing providers for failure to comply with hefty fines, criminal penalties and serious probationary periods.

- Allow for random audits and undercover individuals acting as tenants with no intent to rent property.

Now here's what we don't like and actively oppose . . .

Rather than addressing these concerns in any kind of real debate . . .

Mayor Q's tenant "shock troops" now storm social media and actively work to bully anyone who disagrees with their extremist agenda. 

In the points we've highlighted, notice that there's not much disagreement . . . Just ad hominem attacks.

Take a look at their tactics via www.TonysKansasCity.com screenshot & link . . .
