Residency Crisis Deluge Threatens To Sink Kansas City Water Dept.

Right now KICK-ASS KC INSIDERS send us info into a worsening hot mess at city hall that could soon boil over. 

Per ushe . . . Our theory as that this story goes "all the way to the top" and has implications for management. 

Accordingly . . .


Here's the word . . .

City Residency Cover Up?

"I wanted to reach out and tell you about a big problem in the Water Department.  There's a very highly-paid executive who doesn't live in Kansas City and for some reason no one is doing anything about it.  This person owns a house in Kansas and drives a Lexus with Johnson County, Kansas license plates.  It's readily apparent to everyone that something is fishy.  Yet those in charge turn a blind eye.  Why?

"The ethics hotline has been called and this unequal treatment has been put on report, and nothing's been done about the case.  What is really frustrating is that the Water Department just fired a high-level position female manager for not living in the city.  The female manager who got the boot had been with the department for a while and was well-liked and respected.  But she was shown the door almost immediately after getting investigated.

"Why doesn’t the same standard for one high-ranking manager apply to another high-ranking manager when both have violated the same rule? Not only is the manager still working for Water not living in the city, they are rumored to  also be in a relationship with a counterpart in the management team.  A double whammy when it comes to violations of the City’s rules.

"The Water Department director seems to have no problem cleaning house (at least a dozen managers have left) and he has been holding people accountable, but for some reason nothing is being done about this case.  Multiple violations are being ignored.  Who’s being protected here?  Now we hear that the “out-of-town” exec potentially might be rewarded with a high-level director position or a spot in the City Manager’s or Mayor’s office.  Is this huge discrepancy in the treatment of these two managers going to be allowed to continue, or is the City Auditor going to enforce the residency requirements evenly?  Is this a case of Rules for Thee but Not for Me?"


Developing . . .
