Allow us a moment for this perspective about family connections on both sides of the thin blue line . . .
Decent people hold their tongue when it comes to talking about people going through very real crisis.
We feel like the record of Cameron Lamb is fair game . . . First of all because it's a fact that the guy seemed fond of beating his girlfriend, driving down crowded public streets at nearly 100mph and carrying a big-ass gun around. This is documented info, not opinion.
However . . .
This blog will not EVER negatively refer to the family of Cameron Lamb or attack their right to speak their peace on the issues surrounding this case. Notice that only anonymous online trolls will voice opinions on this matter . . . People worthy of a wider audience won't stoop so low . . . Because it's not fair, compassionate or conservative.
Meanwhile . . .
In our view . . . The merciless scorn crosses the line and seeks vengeance against a very brave woman who is grieving in public and attempting to do the very best by her family. At the very least she deserves some grace and consideration for her suffering that she hasn't done ANYTHING to deserve.
Maybe more importantly . . .
KC Defender Activists are mistaken by attacking the cop's wife . . . Their negativity and racially-charged contempt ultimately betrays the demand for "justice" and their rhetoric sounds more like a cynical political vendetta going into election year. The scorn & disdain displayed will likely convince so many decent people in the Black & urban community to reject the call to action and find more productive and fulfilling endeavors that benefit neighborhoods rather than simply working to propagate a greater quotient of local hatred.
Nevertheless . . .
In their latest post the KC DEFENDER cruelly treats the words of a cop's wife as near hate crime.
Here's a glimpse at their latest screed . . .
A Community’s Struggle for Justice
While the plea from DeValkenaere’s wife might reek of audacity, it cannot overshadow the collective effort it took to hold him accountable. It was a painstaking fight led by community activists, advocacy groups, and the relentless pursuit of justice by the Lamb family.
Despite this being the first time in KCPD’s 147-year history that a white officer has been convicted of killing a Black man, it’s a woefully insufficient step towards a fair system. KCPD is currently under federal scrutiny for racism and discrimination, and shockingly ranks among the top 5 worst police departments in the nation.
What’s Next
The Lamb family and community members are urging all outraged and concerned folks to take action by calling the governors office and demanding he not pardon convicted killer Eric DeValkenaere.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Wife Of Racist Convicted Killer KCPD Cop Says He Was A Hero For Killing Cameron Lamb, Demands Governor to Pardon Him - Kansas City Defender
Eric DeValkenaere, the first white KCPD officer convicted for killing a Black man, could escape justice due to a disturbing plea from his wife
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