Kansas City Winter Season Of Homeless Sheltering Starts

Of course these resources are desperately needed . . . Unfortunately . . . NOBODY wants to live next to one . . . And so many are getting dumped in parts of town that don't always agree with the current administration. 

Nevertheless . . . Nobody can deny the need and hope that we can keep as many people as possible from freezing to death on the street this year . . . Check-it:

Starting December 1, Hope Faith will also open up its winter shelter again for just the second year.

Last year, Executive Director Doug Langner said there was a lot of use for it.

"It is crazy that we offered cots and concrete, and 110 people a night would want to come stay here with very minimal things," Langner said. "Now we're doing a couple things to enhance it this year, mainly to offer programs to move their life forward like longer term things, but still, that just shows how I guess desperate people are just for safe shelter."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City homeless campus to open as a winter shelter again

Starting December 1, Hope Faith will also open up its winter shelter again for just the second year.
