Kansas City Star Scribe Advocates For Suspected School Shooter

This sympathetic completely overlook the suffering of a school resource officer and an administrator who were injured in the shooting in favor of advocacy for an 18-year-old man with a troubled past. 

The "details that don't add up" are mostly hearsay and casually overlook the 9mm homemade "ghost gun" the student brought to school. 

Here's the basics of a flimsy argument from an otherwise talented scribe who is clearly sympathetic to the pleas of a mom in distress over the fate of her son . . .  

"Because so many details in this case don’t necessarily add up and are confusing, it’s time to take a closer look and see whether he is a school-shooting suspect, or a victim of his circumstances."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Olathe East shooting suspect Jaylon Elmore is no monster, his mom says. I'm with her | Opinion

He tried to take his own life and spent time in a mental hospital before the violent incident. And we still don't have the whole picture, writes Toriano Porter.
