Kansas City 'Flowvember' ALMOST Explained

Rather than struggle with Photoshop . . . We thought that ruining this delightful 70s song from the Bellamy Brothers would be a more productive way to introduce a helpful story about providing greater access to supplies for young women. 

Side note . . . Showing my age here even if this song was WAY before my time BUT if you match up the lyrics . . . "Let Your Love Flow" really does fit PERFECTLY with this story . . . Almost LIKE THEY KNEW about the double entendre of their folksy tune.

But I digress . .  .

Check the local community effort  . . .

The drive, known as "Flowvember," helps fill places across Kansas City with period products.

Its a partnership between Strawberry Week, a nonprofit that provides period products for people across Kansas City and the Kansas City Public Library System.

Its an opportunity for us to kind of set the example that period products should be available in public restrooms just like hand soap and paper towels are, Micheala Miller, founder of Strawberry Week, said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Flowvember, month-long donation period product donation drive, kicks off in Kansas City

It's a partnership between Strawberry Week, a non-profit that provides period products for people across Kansas City, and the Kansas City Public Library System.
