Dead-Tree Kansas City Star Hates Trains

A bit of comedy for Friday . . . Check enviomental advocacy from an organization that has CUT DOWN FORESTS WORTH OF TREES in order to print coupons and parstian journalism (luz) that was mostly subsidized by grocery store adverts . . .

"Low-income communities and communities of color often suffer the most from the locomotive pollution because rail yards and routes are often in or near these communities.

"Our neighborhoods should not have to suffer. An industry that made nearly $80 billion last year has the financial capacity and the technology to switch its locomotives and rail yard equipment to zero emissions. About one-third of the world’s rail lines are electrified. The U.S. does not have to depend on fossil fuels longer."

Read more via link . . .

Diesel trains pollute Kansas City's air. It's time for the EPA to demand a cleanup | Opinion

About one-third of railroads around the world are electrified. There's no reason for the U.S. to keep using dirty, outdated technology. | Opinion
