Prairie Village Forum Features Frustrated Opponents To Incumbent Mayor & Council

What we've heard so far . . .


Their frustration is palpable and seems like their mobilization efforts are going well if last night's turnout is any indication.

Here's a bit more backstory and info from last night's gathering . . .

"Things began getting heated in August of last year. The current council had concern about the cost of housing in the city. They worried people were getting priced out of a chance to live there.

"They created an Ad-Hoc committee to look at solutions. One involved allowing homeowners to build small accessory dwellings on their property to rent in neighborhoods zoned as R1, a designation for single-family residential areas. The council voted unanimously to forward the recommendations to city staff to explore implementation feasibility.

"The opposition was fierce. Residents formed a group called PV United. They filed petitions to prohibit rezoning and even change the form of government to give less power to the mayor. The city asked a judge to intervene and now the group is appealing the judge’s decision. After some heated city council meetings, the current city council backed off and put its focus on tear-downs and short-term rentals like Airbnbs."

Read more via link . . .

Prairie Village city council candidate forum brings large crowd, tough questions

The race for seats on the Prairie Village City Council may be one of the most contentious of the many local elections coming next month.
