KK Doubts Prez Biden & Warns Of U.S. Terror Threat Amid Israel War

KK has a Patron newsletter that deserves a look for anyone interested in the local discourse.

Tonight he sent this message to loyal fans . . . 

 "Joe Biden gave a speech to support Israel and denounced the evil being peddled by Hamas.  It sounded great.  He doesn't mean it.  Everything our progressives have done so far has enriched and enabled Iran to support terrorism all while distancing the White House from the Israeli Prime Minister.  This is really bad."

Earlier today, on his show . . . He shares a very obvious warning and that inspires a link update for tonight:

"The horrific pictures we are seeing from Gaza City and Israel are beyond barbaric and we fully support Israel to defend itself and destroy these brutal terrorists called Hamas.  But make no mistake about it, this fight is coming to America.  This isn't Russia and Ukraine.  Palestinians are already taking to the streets in Chicago and New York and Sydney chanting, "gas the Jews."   You'd better believe our open border has allowed in hundreds, if not thousands of really, really bad people that want to kill Americans.  All our fake bickering about race and homophobia seems pretty silly right about now as we see what hate really looks like and face the prospect of dealing with it in our streets."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Hamas is Our Problem Now, US Bickering Seems Silly, Mr. Pfizer Under Fire, Rookie Leads Chiefs, AZ Stuns MLB | Kevin Kietzman Has Issues

The horrific pictures we are seeing from Gaza City and Israel are beyond barbaric and we fully support Israel to defend itself and destroy these brutal terrorists called Hamas. But make no mistake about it, this fight is coming to America. This isn't Russia and Ukraine.

Leawood, Kansas pastor leading trip to Israel now heading back to safety

The ongoing journey has shifted to one of prayer and solidarity with the people facing violence and disruption in their daily lives.

Kansas Citians with ties to Israel cling to phones as war continues

As missiles and bombs continue to pound Israel after a surprise attack by the terror group Hamas, those safely stateside are keeping their electronic devices close.

Solidarity for Israel prayer gathering held in Overland Park

Rabbis led a solidarity gathering for Israel at The Temple, Congregation B'nai Jehudah, Monday evening.

Rep Cleaver on Israel attack: Hamas 'threw rocks at a beehive'

KSHB 41 anchor Dia Wall spoke with Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D - Kansas City) Tuesday about the Hamas attack on Israel and what's next.

"Act of sheer evil": Biden's forceful condemnation of Hamas hailed by Israel

It was perhaps the most powerful statement of support for Israel by a sitting U.S. president since 1948.

Misinformation about the Israel-Hamas war is flooding social media. Here are the facts

False claims about the latest Israel-Hamas war are flooding social media, making it difficult for onlookers to sort fact from fiction. Here are the facts: Nimrod Aloni, a top general in the Israeli army, was not captured by Hamas militants.

Tucker Carlson questions U.S. support for Israel war - could the GOP follow?

Carlson's Opposition to GOP Support for Israel to Fight Back in Self-defense Against Hamas Marks Him as an Outlier. But His Outsized Influence May Move Some Republicans Towards a More Skeptical Position on Israel

What is Israel's Iron Dome air defense system -- and was it overwhelmed?

President Biden promises Israel that it will get all the missile interceptors it needs.

Peace Activists Are Among the Israelis Missing and Killed

Some of those caught up in the attack by Palestinian fighters lived in residential collectives whose members tend to support peace initiatives and Palestinian rights.

Developing . . .
