Kansas City Strengthens Connections To Israel Amid War

A quick historical reminder for newbies who might not know one of the most important elements of Kansas City metro history . . . 

Independence, MO native U.S. President Harry Truman was the first world leader to officially recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish state on May 14, 1948, only eleven minutes after its creation.  

Truman was friends with a Jewish Kansas City business owner who had a clothing store at 39th and Main streets in Westport. It was their correspondence that helped him decide to declare Israel a state.

Eddie Jacobson owned Westport Menswear and asked his friend, the president, to meet the future first leader of Israel.

The rest is history . . .

In the politics of this cowtown Jewish leaders, some with connections to Israel and some without, have been critical in helping Kansas City achieve international recognition, investment, influence and progress.

Put simply . . .

Support for Israel is part of Kansas City's culture.

And so, horrific attacks and the declaration of war hit home. 

What we notice from online critics and all manner of interlopers is that they might not go out into the real world much and don't seem to have any real knowledge of how local Jewish leaders and adamant support for Israel is very much ingrained in KC metro municipal discourse.

That's the political perspective. 

Here's the humanitarian angle from a local leader . . .

“What’s happening right now is really an unspeakable tragedy,”  Gavriela Geller, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Bureau American Jewish Committee, said. “Nothing prepared anybody for this; it is shocking that a surprise attack was able to be pulled off considering Israel’s strong intelligence, military intelligence, and security efforts.”

Geller said she spent the day making calls overseas, checking on loved ones in Israel, and said they’re hiding in bunkers and giving blood when they can.

“I think that shows the resilience and the spirit and character of Israel and Israelites,” Geller said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

'Unspeakable tragedy': Kansas City feels impact of attacks on Israel

Gavriela Geller, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Bureau American Jewish Committee, said there are no words to describe the devastation and destruction.

'It's a nightmare': Local reactions from Hamas attack on Israel

Disturbing, heart wrenching and sickening: Those are the words Kansas Citian Gavriela Geller used when asked to describe her feelings about the Hamas attack on Israel.

Further reading . . .

Americans May Have Died In Hamas Attack On Israel-As Total Deaths Near 1,000

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on CNN Sunday morning the government is "working overtime" to verify accounts of missing and dead Americans.

What's happening on the 2nd day of war between Israel and Hamas militants

Israel says it is at war as its soldiers battle Hamas fighters in the streets of southern Israel and launch airstrikes on Gaza, the day after an unprecedented surprise attack by Hamas fighters. In northern Israel, a brief exchange of strikes with Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group raised fears of a broader conflict.

Biden tells Netanyahu additional military aid "now on its way" to Israel with more to come

Israel is preparing for a wide-ranging offensive against Hamas after the militant group's unprecedented attack.

Hamas and Israel at war: what we know on day 2

Hundreds are dead after a surprise attack by Hamas, prompting Israel to declare a state of war and launch retaliatory strikes

Israelis search for loved ones with posts and pleas on social media

Posts have flooded a Facebook group set up for Israelis who might be missing in the aftermath of the attacks.

Developing . . .
