Once again activist bloggers give us a laugh this morning for two reasons . . .
Their Israel war take is garbage and mostly looks like an online political troll crafted by radical scribes working at a D-list state college newspaper.
More importantly . . .
Remember that Kansas City mainstream media celebrated & promoted this blog until about a week after they helped spread some sketchy "white racist serial killer" rumor AND THEN attempted to shame a Black waitress when she was attempting to calm down some angry dude at fancy fish restaurant.
Fun fact amid otherwise tragic circumstances . . . It turns out their suspected white racist serial killer REPORTEDLY made sweet consensual love to a Black lady sex worker who later turned up dead according to her lawyer.
But I digress . . .
Check the KC Defender taking aim at Mayor Q & Congressman Cleaver for doing the bare minimum after one of the worst slaughters we've seen against a Democracy in the Middle-East.
"Quinton Lucas . . . You sing a requiem for the State of Israel while remaining silent as the earth of Gaza and the West Bank is stained with the blood of thousands of Palestinian children and families: martyrs assassinated by a US-supported colonial power.
"Thus, it was unsurprising that Congressman Cleaver would also utter similar sentiments, giving credence to American ‘leadership’ as ‘instrumental’ in ‘assisting Israel’s defense.’
"(Congressman) Cleaver, a Black man who should be acutely aware of the gnawing pain of systemic discrimination, willingly distorts the narrative. This isn’t mere political calculus; it’s a shocking betrayal of the ethics of civil rights and social justice that he claims to champion.
"When we consider the cowardly betrayal by Black people in seats of power in Kansas City, we can’t help but remember the luminous legacy of civil rights leaders and revolutionaries who stood unflinchingly in solidarity with Palestinians. "
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Kansas City Black Civil Rights Leaders Side With Apartheid and Genocide
Prominent Black leaders in Kansas City betray a storied legacy of civil rights activism by openly supporting an apartheid and genocidal regime.
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