Jackson County Legislature Refutes 'Senior' Exec Frank White

It seems as if a generational divide is confronting the courthouse. 

Behind the scenes Exec Frank White isn't playing nice with the Legislature and the battle looks to be worsening.

This week . . . Legislator Manny Abarca shared this tweet with his followers that takes the Exec to task:

"In case there was confusion, this legislature may be only 10 months in but to be called “freshman” as an insult to signify we are incompetent is a farce.

"If the “senior” member of government believes we are incapable of making decisions ask him about the multiple project that have failed to pass this “freshman” bodies smell test. Ask how the “senior” member lost significant funding in our initial budget, likely to lose more this time around if questions continue to go unanswered.

"I am proud to serve in one of the most diverse, arguably-high skilled, and diligent bodies @JacksonCountyMO

"But sure…call us “freshman”… #KansasCity"

Developing . . .
