Honestly, we're surprised that local mainstream media hasn't picked up on one of the most gut-wrenching social media cries for assistance that we've seen in quite some time.
The basics of this post suggested by our TKC blog community . . .
A few stories might have mentioned the ask but it really deserves front & center attention given the heartfelt testimony the cop's wife shares.
Agree or disagree with the deets of this case and the conviction for second-degree manslaughter and armed criminal action . . .
There is no denying the power of the lady's testimony and her words, photos and perspective shared with the community.
Here's her public post and her plea to Show-Me State residents . . .
"I have had so many people reach out to ask how to help. I NEED my husband home. My kids NEED their dad home. Please take the time to read, share, and most importantly CALL the Governor's office and ask for a pardon. Eric does not deserve this and we have to help right this wrong. We need to reach as many people in Missouri as we can and urge them to call and to share with their family, friends, co-workers, church groups, etc…
"This is a post I never could have imagined I would be writing, but I am going to do my best to show you who my husband Eric DeValkenaere really is. Over the past 3 -3 1/2 years I have remained silent for the most part. I just kept saying pray-wait-trust. Things will change. This is such a miscarriage of justice that it will get fixed. I truly believed in my heart it would, but it didn’t. My heart is broken, but I am strong and I will fight for my husband. I can’t let the false information continue any longer. I started dating Eric when he was 18 and we have been together ever since. It has been a privilege and honor to be married to a man who was raised to treat women with respect. He knew early on he wanted to be a police officer and follow in his dad’s footsteps. He dedicated over 2 decades of his life to serving the city of Kansas City. He was a great cop and detective and earned many awards and commendations over the years including the life saving award. Being a cop is hard work. Being a LEO spouse is also hard. You worry when they leave each day if they will come home, especially if they work in a big city with lots of crime. One thing I NEVER worried about is that my husband would be prosecuted and convicted for doing his job. Eric saved another detective's life that day. I can assure you my husband would not fire his duty weapon unless it was to defend himself or someone else. Period. He did what he was trained to do and another detective is alive today because he did.
"We will be celebrating our 23rd anniversary this year. We got married when we were just 22 and 23 years old. We started a family soon after and we were fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful children. My kids are great kids. Do you know why? Because Eric took his job of raising them seriously. He was there every day from the time they were born. He changed diapers, fed them bottles in the middle of the night, helped care for them when they were sick. Yes, these are things all dads should do, but sadly not all of them do. Not all dads are there for their kids in every way when they decide to have children, but he WAS! He coached all of their teams (football, baseball, basketball, softball, and one year even tried to help with soccer…if you know Eric you know how funny that is). He was not only a positive role model in their life, but in the lives of so many others that he helped coach as well.
"Eric is a honest man who has integrity and he does not deserve what is happening to him. He is an amazing husband, father, friend, co-worker and neighbor. We all need him HOME. I need YOUR help! I need Missouri residents to call 573-751-3222 and urge the Governor to grant him a pardon. He was a LEO doing his job that day and I can tell you with absolute certainty that he did what he had to do to save a fellow officer’s life. Period. There is no other story. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! I NEED IT TO REACH AS MANY PEOPLE IN MISSOURI AS POSSIBLE. Thank you and please keep praying.
"I still have faith!"
Developing . . .
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