TKC Reader Condemns Mayor Q For 'Hypocrisy' On Police Funding & Court Fights

This note stands out and we thought readers might appreciate the perspective in the midst of Mayor Q's contradictory advocacy alleged in this note . . .

TKC Reader: Hypocrisy

The Kansas City Mayor is asking the Missouri Supreme Court to throw out the voters decision on increasing funding for the KCPD. The Mayor believes his view on the funding amendment should trump the will of the voters and the Court should step in to vacate the democratic election where voters rendered a resounding decision.

The Mayor urges the Missouri Court of Appeals to reject Detective Eric DeValkanaere’s appeal of his conviction saying to vacate the conviction would be destructive to the integrity of the criminal justice system and the ruling of a single judge. Justice, the Mayor tells us, demands the conviction be upheld, not overturned.

Justice and democracy suffer immeasurably in Jackson County.

You decide . . .
