Kansas House Rep. Trevor Jacobs Pens Letter Demanding Kansas National Guard At Border

Campaign season starts one again with brash statements that mostly work against economic interests already firmly entrenched in the global economy. 

Smarter TKC readers remind us not to be so skeptical and argue: 

"Racism raises its ugly head in the Kansas Legislature."

They also note . . . Rep. TrevJ is a preacher.

But here's the real punchline and why so many political purists read this dump of a blog . . . Check this juicy tidbit about an UNNAMED KANSAS HOUSE DUDE who signed on to this coalition note . . . Off the record, on the QT and very hush hush . . .


If the poor woman has her papers . . . They might still be waiting for the ink to dry. 

In the meantime . . .

We turn back to to Rev. TrevJ as he offers effusive praise for himself and notes his motive in asking for Kansas National Guard to take a border road trip . . .

Esteemed Colleagues,    

I am sending out this second email because it has come to my attention that there are some who said they would like to sign their names upon this document which you received in your .gov email  two weeks ago. I have also received some communication with others who have their own reasonings or beliefs why they should not sign this letter. For me and my personal convictions, I must stand up for my Oath of Office that I swore before God and man. When I became a State Representative, I swore to protect and defend our Constitution of these United States of America, and my oath has no expiration date. Sounding the alarm and standing firmly against this illegal invasion and treason against our Nation and our State is the right thing to do.    

I understand courage has consequences. Additionally, I understand the severity of the situation and the impact that this will have everywhere throughout the land in every facet. When I look at the high-level view of the problem and potential solutions, I see 3 words, 2 choices, and 1 decision: freedom or tyranny? I choose freedom and I choose to defend freedom. I choose to stand up for We the People of the United States of America and for the State of Kansas, for my neighborhoods, for my family, and for myself, so help me God.    

Ronald Reagan once said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Please join me in stepping in for our constituents who want a safe and secure nation. Please email me your name and district number.     

For our Nation,   

Trevor Jacobs


That's sweet. Is he talking about the same Ronald Reagan who approved the first immigration amnesty???

Also . . . 

Who talks/writes like that??? 

That kind of chatter might even get an eye-roll out of the Fox News anchors. 

And if you made it this far . . .

Check the note from this 'mostly brave' Kansas National Guard Border crackdown coalition that isn't afraid to play all of the familiar hits in between enjoying authentic Mexican food options available in EVERY RURAL KANSAS TOWN.

You decide . . .
