Kansas City 'Gully Town' Booze Bravely Honors Ethnic Whites

Don't worry . . . This post isn't sponsored . . . In fact, we're kinda curious how memories of broke-ass dead relatives will boost this local liver annihilator . . . Here's their unique selling proposition:

"You’d be forgiven for thinking Kansas City got its first nickname, Gully Town, from this natural phenomenon, but no. The derogatory term came after the collection of Irish, German, and Italian laborers worked to make streets and foundations for homes into the rock and soil itself."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Local Distillery Honors "Gully Town" with New Line of Malt Whiskeys - IN Kansas City Magazine

Kansas City was once a rugged town built along rocky, limestone bluffs that towered above the mud gullies along the Missouri River. You'd be forgiven for thinking Kansas City got its first nickname, Gully Town, from this natural phenomenon, but no. The derogatory term came after the collection of Irish, German, and Italian laborers worked...
