Forgiveness can be a powerful thing.
In the current digital age . . . We've noticed that mobile phones are killing the memory of the younger generation so maybe political declarations about social justice second chances are overwrought.
Then again . . .
It's also important to pay attention to more critical voices who remind us: Criminal records are part of justice for VICTIMS OF CRIME and any hardship confronted by ex-cons was part of their choice in committing acts of violence, theft or fraud.
Like it or not . . . Some but not all progressive activists mistakenly believe that anyone with a criminal record has been persecuted by the system . . . When, in fact, quite a few people who have done time in the can are just dangerous ex-cons.
And all of these considerations lead us to one last observations . . .
Again . . .
Critical voices might LEGITIMATELY argue that, at this point, enforcement and getting more cops on the street is far more important than working to grant pardon.
Nevertheless . . . Here's a recent action and corresponding links from Mayor & Council that was unreported so far by local news:
RESOLUTION - Recognizing National Expungement Week in Kansas City.
WHEREAS, approximately 1.8 million people in Missouri have a criminal record; and
WHEREAS, Kansas City is committed to creating a fair and equitable justice system; and
WHEREAS, many residents of Kansas City with a criminal record continually face significant barriers in employment, housing, and societal participation due to lingering criminal or municipal ordinance convictions; and
WHEREAS, the process of expungement, which involves the sealing of criminal and ordinance violation conviction records, can provide a fresh start for individuals, allowing them to fully participate in our community and contribute to our local economy; and
WHEREAS, the first Friday of every June, observed as “Kansas City Expungement Day,” recognizes the importance of providing second chances to individuals with criminal records through the process of expungement; and
WHEREAS, as CEO of the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s Clear My Record Expungement Program, Johnny Waller Jr. is a recognized leader in assisting residents navigate the expungement process on Kansas City Expungement Day and every day throughout the year; and
WHEREAS, September 17 - 24, 2023, is recognized as National Expungement Week; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council wish to recognize and honor the work performed by the Clear My Record program in Kansas City and raise awareness about the importance of Expungement and available resources during National Expungement Week; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council support and encourage the Kansas City Municipal Court to continue efforts to allow eligible individuals to seek expungement of municipal ordinance violation records to support equity, justice, and opportunity for all residents; NOW, THEREFORE,
That the Mayor and Council hereby declare September 17-24, 2023, as National Expungement Week in Kansas City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to Johnny Waller Jr. and The Clear My Record Project at the University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Law with the Mayor and Council encouraging all residents to learn about the benefits of expungement and support available through the Clear My Record program, and to support those seeking a second chance.
Sadly, all of that was rather pedantic and meaningless.
However . . .
For those dedicated souls who have made this this, via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .We share a much more inspiring glimpse at Expungement Week from a beloved B-list Hollywood Star.
Check-it . . .
Developing . . .
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