Conservatives Educators Champion 'Unschooling' In Kansas City

Local right-wing leaders advocate private school options which can work, are interesting but often leave a lot of room for small time in-fighting and personal probs. 

Big picture . . . 

More Americans are giving up on public schools, even in nicer neighborhoods.

Here's their side of the story . . .

Education freedom is a market-based, family-centric approach not just to schooling, but to learning – which McDonald differentiates between. Increasingly, learning is self-directed, which McDonald refers to as being “unschooled.”

“Unschooling is really separating education from schooling in every possible way,” she says. “It sort of recognizes that schooling is one way to be educated, but it’s not the only way. And with unschooling, or what’s more broadly known as self-directed education, young people are in charge of their own learning. There is no adult-imposed curriculum, no sort of coercion around what children will learn and when. It’s all really driven by children’s interests and passions.

Read more via link . . .

Upcoming 'Heartland Hybrid and Microschools Summit' in Kansas City set to grow education freedom movement

If education is the final frontier in American freedom, its pioneers and homesteaders are meeting in Kansas City next weekend to map the open prairie and help each other plant a flag in the ground. ...
