Magic Number Reveals Jackson County Property Tax Assessment FAIL

Our hero and Tax fighter Preston Smith crunched the numbers . . . His findings offers more evidence of a BUSTED PROCESS . . .

If you do simple math and check homes valued at $356,270, you’ll find that group of homes jumped an average of 168.3% in assessment value. That’s more than five times the 30% the county claims the average assessments increased.

“When you see those giant percentage changes, and it was just so obvious, but they’re all associated with that one number,” Preston Smith said.

Smith went on to look for homeowners hitting that magic number who didn’t appeal, but probably should have. He’s contacting them now because, although it’s too late to appeal in Jackson County, he believes the county should look into this issue and fix it.

More than half of the properties valued at $356,270 have not been appealed.

Read more via link . . .

KCTV5 Investigates: $356,270 is Jackson County's favorite assessment number that might be wrong

Jackson County has 500 homes assessed at $356,270, a glitch according to one data analysis.
