Slain Woman's Story In Sex Dungeon Creeper Suspect Case Celebrates Her Humanity

Okay . . . We're still waiting on deets from the alleged sex dungeon story . . . In the meantime, this detail didn't' make the headline and we didn't notice a post about it from any activist citing racial hateration but it merits attention . . . 

 “We’ve never said that Jaynie Crosdale wasn’t in Mr. Haslett’s home. They have video of her at his house,” public defender Tiffany Leuty Winningham told reporters outside the courtroom. “I think they had consensual sex.”

 And so . . . Does that "put to bed" the theory that the guy, for all his obvious faults, might not be racially motivated for whatever allegations he'll inevitably confront??? 

Maybe not. 

Still, this passage was telling about the ongoing mystery and helps to understand the crime victims aren't always perfect people but they still deserve justice . . .

"The issue is much more complicated than what transpired in the press, said Kris Wade, executive director of The Justice Project KC — a small grassroots organization that does outreach to the houseless, women and others who need services. If a woman was missing from the street, no one would report it, she said, because there might be another explanation, like she was arrested on an outstanding warrant, or she’s sick, or she’s staying somewhere else for a while. And many people just don’t want attention from law enforcement."

Read more via link . . .

Jaynie Crosdale, slain woman connected to Timothy Haslett case, was 'full of energy and life'

Jaynie Crosdale's family remembers her as charismatic and able to talk to anyone. Her death has brought up questions about how police handle cases of missing Black women.
