Our blog community predicted as much . . . Check the opening salvo as a nationwide political journal started arguing against the Missouri Republican Super Majority.
Here's the rub . . .
Just like Kansas . . . The data shows that conservative white women aren't going to save Republicans and will vote right along with their progressive gal pals on this issue.
And so . . . Check the pro-abortion drums beating in the distance . . . They're only going to get louder as 2020 approaches . . .
"In Missouri, disagreements among Republican legislators about the appropriate supermajority threshold prevented the adoption of a ballot issue like Issue 1. But this has not stopped Republican officials from waging war on a pro-abortion citizen initiative. Their strategies represent a less visible but perhaps more insidious path to the same goal: curtailing an abortion right that enjoys majority support by impeding the operation of democratic processes.
"The Missouri tactics show that impediments to pro-abortion citizen petitions can function in ways that are potentially more damaging than the rejected Ohio measure. First, they can be imposed not by legislative means, but by executive officials. Second, they can be contested and resolved not at the ballot box, as with Issue 1, but in state courts. Third, they can materialize not through a single challenge by state officials, but through serial attacks that delay already time-constrained efforts to place a pro-abortion amendment on the ballot."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
If You Want to Know Republican Plans Following the Ohio Abortion Vote, Look to Missouri
These efforts highlight the falsity, if not the cynicism, of the Dobbs majority's promise that the question would be returned to the democratic process.
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