Kansas Newspaper Raid Consequences?!?

Unlikely . . . 

Instead we advise newsies not to hold their breath for anything but a lawsuit verdict. 

In the meantime, we follow the slow fade and breathy headlines slowly disappearing from the news cycle . . . Which seems odd given that this story allegedly put the Constitution at risk just last week.

On the bright side . . .

And to be fair . . . It's kinda reassuring that so much dirty laundry was almost immediately available to the world and offered a glimpse into sketchy Kansas small town life that doesn't seem so nice after all . . . And just as oppressive as any other place. 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

'Completely unjustified': Affidavits point to abuse of power in raid on Kansas newspaper - Kansas Reflector

Affidavits signed by a police chief and magistrate to warrant the raid on the Marion County Record were supposed to provide evidence that a reporter committed a crime. Instead, they serve as evidence that the local officials abused their power.

Kansas newspaper is a canary in the coal mine for local journalism

If you've ever doubted the need for local newspapers, look no further than Marion, Kansas.

STOP THE PRESSES: Journalist details reporting on Kansas First Amendment fight

A national discussion on First Amendment rights takes center stage in Marion, Kansas following a police raid of a local newspaper. We dive into the reporting with the editor-in-chief of another newspaper closely watching the story.

Developing . . .
