Downgrade Hits Commerce Bank

Economic uncertainty rises across the nation and hits hold right here in Kansas City. 

Overall . . . The banking sector is troubled given that the current White House administration seems quite fond of "free money" to solve the world's problems . . . That might or might not work given your theoretical view of macroeconomics that almost NEVER aligns with real world rules governing supply & demand. 

And if all this talk of finance is too hard to understand . . . Don't worry, life won't really change all that much for those of us who keep our life savings in a coffee can.

Commerce Bank released the following statement about the news . . .

"Commerce Bank is very proud to be among the highest rated banks in the country. As Moody’s notes, “The stable outlook reflects Moody’s view that over the next 12-18 months, Commerce’s strong financial performance will continue despite the current challenging operating environment.” At a baseline credit assessment (BCA) of a2, we remain two ratings above the baa1 median US bank and share this rating with only 10 other banks in the US."

Read more via link . . .

Kansas City-based Commerce Bank among banks downgraded for financial risks

Kansas City-based Commerce Bank is among 10 banks downgraded by Moody's over financial risk concerns.
