After checking with quite a few online & insider sources . . . We'll share a quick spoiler that hopefully resonates with our more rational readers.
With that out of the way . . . We want to share a glimpse at recent reporting and the online discourse.
Today's newspaper coverage was incomplete and echos the same sentiments we blogged last week.
Here's the link for those who haven't read it:
Accuser endures threats, business losses and harassment as Jackson Mahomes awaits trial
Cool story but there's a lot more to this discussion.
Amongst social media . . . There are growing questions about why local newsies aren't noting connections to a local daycare that has also endured recent media reporting.
We want to unpack all of this with no prejudice and merely with an effort to report the facts as best as we understand them.
Both Mahomes & Aspen are power players rank who far above TKC and we're merely attempting to document their glamorous and sometimes dangerous life now that it's the subject of a widely reported criminal complaint.
First . . . Let's consider the name game . . .
The Star and other outlets have reported the accuser's name as Aspen Vaughn. That's correct.
However . . . Quick use of the Kansas Secretary Of State's Business Entity Search reveals the name "Aspen Ricks" as owner of Aspen's Restaurant & Lounge . . . The spot were the alleged misdeeds occurred.
And then . . .
Searching Aspen Ricks . . . In the February 2020 edition of the Johnson County Gazette, we learn that she earned national honors for starting the Children's Lighthouse franchise locally . . .

Now . . . Mudslingers will attempt to connect the recent troubles endured by this daycare to Aspen but that's not really fair . . . She's not charged with any wrongdoing.
And yes, a quick check of Johnson County Court dox reveals Aspen's Restaurant & Lounge is confronting a great deal of tax trouble . . .
But I think most adults realize that the restaurant biz is a losing game and none of this has a direct impact on the alleged events of the evening.
Meanwhile . . . Many strident defenders of Jackson Mahomes via social media suggest a financial motive for Aspens' allegations. Defenders of Aspen and/or critics of Jackson answer: Video evidence trumps alleged motive that's merely speculation and doesn't have any bearing on criminal accusations.

Again, this is all up to a the court to decide even as news of the case resonates across the nation and the globe.
For the record, a lot of this info can be found and cross-checked at Aspen's Instagram page which remains online and public. TKC isn't going link it because the page features her youngsters.
Now . . .
The point here is that the JoCo decision to seal court records only leads to a great deal of speculation in the court of public opinion.
In this digital age there are no secrets . . . That's why TKC always tells my current lady friend whenever a former lady friend sends a text . . . Because she's gonna find out anyhoo . . . Even if most of 'em are just Nigerian catfishing scams.
But I digress . . .
The Mahomes case continues . . . Locals are, in fact, entitled to their opinion given that corporate media continues to put this story on blast.
One more time for the cheap seats . . .
We only filed this post so that the online rumor mill can have an objective bloggy source when these facts are discussed . . .
Yeah . . . Our little corner of the Internets has clowned Jackson Mahomes in the past but also contend that he's entitled to his day in court and the public deserves as much context as possible beyond softball interviews with the accuser that clearly don't provide news readers with all of the info surrounding this court case that's quickly turning into he said/she said drama.
Developing . . .
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