Kansas VFW Anti-LGBT Facebook Controversy Cont'd

In this post we offer a peek at the offending remark and follow-up reporting that includes a social media switcheroo along with a demand for even greater consequences . . . Check-it . . .

The Facebook message, apparently written by Commander James Langley of the Department of Kansas of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, was sent over the VFW Department of Kansas Facebook page. It read as follows:

"LBGQABC what ever is the jerk letter is next gets an entire agenda jammed down our throats. But, Veterans get 1 day. that's BULLSHIT. YOU NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS AGENDA!!!!"

The message was reportedly sent by Langley to state Sen. Jeff Pittman, D-Leavenworth, on June 25 in response to the Democratic legislator's attendance at an Pride Month luncheon at Fort Leavenworth on June 21 hosted by the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Here's what national VFW says about anti-Pride Month comments from Kansas VFW leader

While the national Veterans of Foreign Wars recognized LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Kansas VFW Commander James Langley criticized it.

Developing . . .
