Kansas City 'Kill The Fill' Debuts PAC

The struggle against a Kansas City landfill ramps up.

Thanks to some of the best TKC READERS . . . We have a glimpse of their efforts . . .

The main takeaway . . . 

These trash talkers don't seem to believe a word of assurances from Kansas City and work to fight back against a stinky local landfill.

First the backstory . . .

"City officials from all five impacted areas, including Kansas City, have all publicly denounced this proposal with the rumblings reaching Jefferson City and the Missouri legislators.  Standing up for their constituents House Representative Mike Haffner and Senator Rick Brattin along with bi-partisan support from other area legislators, Senator Mike Cierpiot and Senator Greg Razer, sponsored two bills, HB 909 and SB 590 respectively, which if passed would have killed the landfill idea at that location."

And so . . .

Here's a look at continued local push back . . .

"Kill the Fill PAC is the voice of the communities, united over a single cause, working together to stop a landfill project in South Kansas City.  Together we will protect the vulnerable, our homes, and the natural beauty we love so much from the greed of landfill developers who want to destroy it."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . . 

Kill the Fill PAC | Kansas City

Kill the Fill PAC is the voice of the communities, united over a single cause, working together to stop a landfill project in South Kansas City. Together we will protect the vulnerable, our homes, and the natural beauty we love so much from the greed of landfill developers who want to destroy it.

A flyer circulating around the metro along with a nice freebie pin sent our way . . . Click the image or this link for a bigger, better view . . .

Developing . . .
