EPIC Jeep Junkyard Salvation Documented

The story isn't just about cars . . . It's a tribute to Midwestern ingenuity, hard work and values.

Here's part of the outcome and the more deets on this fantastic voyage . . .

"It’s obviously not perfect, and the five-speed is a bit notchy (it was filled with water when Diekmann first bought it), but doesn’t grind except when cold in first and second gears. Otherwise the Jeep drives great, with the mighty 4.0-liter straight six making a very healthy 140 psi of compression in each cylinder. I suspect the vehicle was in the junkyard due to the fuel pump failure — a $100 fix to a handy wrencher."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas Farmer's Son Saves Rare 322,000 Mile 'Holy Grail' Jeep Grand Cherokee From Junkyard, Instantly Becomes My Hero - The Autopian

When a rare automotive gem goes to a junkyard, 99.9 percent of the time, it's gone forever, and car culture becomes that much worse. But when 19 year-old Logan Diekmann - a Kansas State University student who grew up on a farm and is a bit of a wrenching beast - spotted a "Holy Grail" Jeep [...]
