The most prolific transit activist Kansas City has ever witnessed fires of legal action against 12th & Oak and this town's top elected official after an election defeat of around 80 points . . . With less than 13% turnout amongst registered voters.
Here's his presser released to TKC moments ago . . .
Clay Chastain press release: Today, Activist Chastain deals with some unfinished business as he files (in US District Court) a Section 1983 Civil Rights Lawsuit against the City & Lucas for unlawfully arresting him, maliciously prosecuting him and deliberately depriving him of a Civil Right guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
I came to City Hall (on Council day) to ask Mayor Lucas why he refused to debate me. The City did not like that and had me arrested for trespassing even though I created no disturbance & did nothing unlawful. The City could have just let the matter go - dropped the charges & not prosecuted me - like I asked the City to do. But no, it wasn't enough that the City had already... bullied me, humiliated me, had me handcuffed, arrested and carted off to jail in a Paddy Wagon & deprived of a Civil Right. 'Someone' (upstairs) wanted a "pound of flesh" too (180-days in jail-$500.00 fine). So, that "Someone" ordered me prosecuted. But, my flesh remained intact. I was found innocent of the City's trespassing charge (campaigning inside City Hall) by fair - minded & intelligent City Municipal Court Judge, Martina Peterson.
I now seek civil remedy as follows:
Defendant Mayor Quinton Lucas:
1. Nominal damages of $1. It is not my aim to bankrupt (politically bankrupt) politician Lucas. Besides, it is unknown until I subpoena (in Depositions) Mayor Lucas, City Manager Platt and the City Attorney as to who ordered the City Prosecutor to prosecute me.
Defendant City:
1. $500,000.00 in compensatory damages for unlawful arrest, humiliation, emotional trauma, diminished public reputation & deprivation of my civil rights.
2. $250,000.00 in punitive damages to discourage the City from abusing, bullying & discrediting citizens who merely attempt to (lawfully) challenge its leadership. Or, whatever amount the court deems fair & just.
* I seek my complaint be heard by a jury.
* The last 5-Mayoral Administrations share a long dark history of trying to stop me from taking my ideas (to improve KC) to the people. During that Era of Government Control & Oppression, the City not only tried to belittle me, stop me and use the KC Star to turn the people against me, they also... ignored my petitions, sabotaged my petitions, blocked my petitions, forced me into numerous, costly court battles in behalf of my petitions & overturned a 2006 Light Rail (Petition) Election approved by 73,000 (54%) voters of Kansas City. To gain back control, they falsely told the people the Petition they approved was ^unworkable" and that I had "duped" the people.
We could have worked together to improve Kansas City, but the City, and those controlling it, never wanted to work with me.
Activist, Clay Chastain
Developing . . .
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