Chastain Blames MSM For Kansas City Probs

Any kind of blame isn't a good look when the words don't come with any hint of a solution. 

Moreover . . .

With no documented fundraising and suffering an 80 point blow-out . . . Mr. Chastain has yet to take any personal responsibility for his own political demise . . . Consider . . . Only around a decade ago he managed to win a citywide light rail victory that was, tragically, never honored. So there's no real reason to discount his impressive influence that comes without any sizable corporate or partisan connection.

Still . . . 

We want to share his perspective as an alternative glimpse of the KCMO discourse . . .

Activist Clay Chastain Press release: Is the local media (led by the KC Star & KCUR) the root of all the civic ill descending upon murderous, glitz-oriented and disparity-ridden Kansas City?

A town may be only as good as its leadership, but the quality of that leadership is only as good as the media that scrutinizes it. First, how good is KC right now?

"Our Town" is...very dangerous, the people don't vote, open public debate of ideas is discouraged, it has no decent transit system, people continue fleeing the City south of the river and its black population continues to suffer untold disparity of all kinds amid untold glitz of all kinds. What does that say about the local media that is supposed to pay attention to what has been happening to KC? Why has open public debate been stifled in KC during its decline? Why is the media focused on who - not what?

For instance, during the race for Mayor, much of the shallow, fallen media ignored the qualified challenger (seemingly because he runs often & primarily resides elsewhere) rather than reporting on his ideas to fix the City and help its people. C.J. Janovy's Public Radio Station (KCUR) never even spoke to Chastain. Reporter Mike Hendricks of the Star did not speak to Chastain (about his platform) until the just days before the election. Likewise, the TV media waited until the final seconds to cover the race and interview Candidate Chastain.

Unlike KC-born Mayor Lucas, Outsider Chastain was full of ideas to "bind our (City's) wounds" & put it back on track. But his message hit the iron-media who demonstrated it cared more about stopping an activist (they disliked) than educating the people on ideas that could help them, reduce the on-going carnage and uplift the City itself. After years of biased, unprofessional and underreporting from our "Watch dogs", is it any wonder the KC Community has slumped to an all-time low. Is it any wonder KC suffers from having one of the highest rates of homicide in America. Is it any wonder only a smidgen of voters exercised their right to vote on June 20, 2023. I heard from many citizens I approached (with my Campaign Flyers) that they were unaware there was even a Mayoral election going on! I told them that was understandable because Mayor Lucas refused to debate & the hapless media refused to call him out and demand he debate. Furthermore, all the (planned) Mayoral Public Forums were cancelled because the event's hosts told me the Mayor would not be attending.
Mayor Quinton Lucas played those people and the local media like (willing) chumps - at the expense of the public & democracy.   

Since the Mayor does not know what to do, a Major (Citizen-led) Petition Initiative is now underway to directly, and indirectly, fix many of KC's serious problems (*Green City Initiative*) . So far, the media seems unconcerned.

"When will they ever learn"?

Activist, Clay Chastain


You decide . . .
