Activist Author Exposes Alleged Fake Native Rock Chalk Prof

Apropos for #TBT . . . Chief "Iron Eyes" Cody was an old school faker as well despite his iconic commercial performance. 

Special thanks to KICK-ASS TKC READERS for sending this bit of investigative journalism that takes issue with a blonde dude claiming Native roots . . . Color TKC impressed with the sentiment of our mostly conservative readers taking the side of a Native author . . .

"University of Kansas history Professor Kent Blansett, who will appear as a keynote speaker and Native American expert at a fall history conference, faces allegations of fraudulently representing his ancestry.

"He has been called out by journalist Jacqueline Keeler, who investigates those who falsely claim Native American ancestry, as well as AncestorStealing, a website that publishes research to expose so-called pretendians."

Read more via link . . .

History professor and Native American expert accused of faking ancestry | The College Fix

Author researched his family tree and allegedly found no Native American ancestors.
