Kansas City Goat Distraction From So Much Cash Disappearing Down By The River

Anyone who follows Kansas City politics at even a cursory level knows this . . .

Kansas City has sunk MILLIONS into riverfront development in a scheme that isn't REALLY based on any sound economic foundation. Moreover . . . Dead hookers & cowtown taxpayer subsidy share a lot of things in common: Mostly that they both disappear near the river.

But that's a bit too deep for a Summer weekend . . . Here's a lighter side story that deserves a peek:

"The port authority of Kansas City, or Port KC, pushed for the new law. It is bringing goats and sheep to the riverfront to get rid of overgrown weeds and invasive plants between the Town of Kansas pedestrian bridge to the west and the Heart of America Bridge to the east."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Port KC thinks goats can help with Kansas City riverfront cleanup. And now it's legal

Using goats and sheep to remove overgrown weeds and invasive plants on KC's riverfront may be just the start after City Council passed an ordinance allowing livestock animals in the city.
