Here's the latest blast from Clay Chastain who hasn't earned much attention in his latest crusade to become Mayor . . . In this episode, strangely, Clay was in town but missed Mayor Q who was traveling.
Check-it . . .
Chastain press release: The Phantom of the Mayor's Race eluded Chastain and the voters, yet again. DC Lucas failed to attend the Plaza Library Candidate Forum (hosted by affordable housing advocates - moderated by Nick Haines) because Lucas was in DC with the Chiefs. No doubt DC Lucas cares more about going to DC than he cares about talking to voters about fixing KC. Chastain attended anyway and shared his vision for how to deal with Kansas City's affordable housing crisis without resorting to public subsidy (City Housing Trust Fund) like Lucas is doing.
Highlights of Chastain's (comprehensive) Affordable Housing Initiative:
1. KC builds new Trades Learning Center to assist people in elevating their job skills so they can secure higher paying jobs (for instance truck drivers, welders, carpenters, etc. can earn $80k + a year).
2. KC creates thousands of new good paying jobs by securing $1.25 billion of federal infrastructure funding to help KC build new modern (Monorail - based) Citywide Greenway Transportation System.
3. KC incentivizes developers to build smaller affordable multiplex housing units along the 34-mile (permanent) Airport Monorail Greenway corridor.
4. KC incentivizes citizens to reside (buy or rent) along the Greenways so they can save big money (they can apply to housing) by moving about the City without the need to own, maintain and operate an expensive automobile.
5. KC works with HUD to provide new home buyers low interest mortgages.
This is how KC can help people stand on their own two feet and afford their own housing without putting it on the backs of the weary over-taxed Kansas City, Missouri taxpayers
Clay Chastain
Developing . . .
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