Clay Chastain Shares Hallway Conversation With Mayor Q & Current Threat Of Jail Time

As always . . . We think this city hall contender explains his adventures far better than we ever could.

Here are the best of his two recent blasts . . .

Chastain press release: Chastain confronts Lucas @ City Hall and Lucas avoids answering Chastain's questions about why he won't debate, and if he is committed to serving the people of Kansas City (for the next 4-years), if elected Mayor.

Like most career politicians, Lucas does not ring true because he has ulterior motives. Here is the conversation between Lucas and Chastain (this morning) after the Transportation & Infrastructure hearing concluded that Lucas chaired:

Chastain approaches Lucas..."Could I have a moment of your time Mayor?

Lucas..."We'll talk soon." (Lucas walks past Chastain (out of the Council chambers) towards the elevator).

Chastain catches up with Lucas..."How can we "talk real soon" Mayor when you refuse to debate me"?

Lucas....Lucas does not respond and his female aid steps in between Chastain & Lucas in front of the elevator.

Lucas enters the elevator. Chastain tries to follow Lucas and get an answer to his debate question. Again, Lucas' female aid steps in between Lucas and Chastain and stops Chastain from entering the elevator with Lucas telling Chastain to call his office (uh huh).

Before the doors close Chastain asks Lucas.... "Are you committed to being Mayor of Kansas City for the next-4-years, if elected"?
Lucas..."We'll see."

Chastain..."Typical politician. You play your role well." (Lucas fails to respond but just smiles at Chastain as the elevator doors closes, with security standing by).

Lucas admits to Chastain (indirectly) that he is going to bail on KC sometime soon after the election, if he wins.

Conclusion: At least I'm honest with the people about my residency status (part-time) while running for Mayor. However, I have also stated that my legal situation is changing in Virginia which will allow me to be a full-time KCMO resident, if elected Mayor. Lucas is trying to deceive the people and apparently cares more about DC than he does KC.  After today, the media now has another question to ask our elusive Mayor.


The previous presser sent last night . . . 

Chastain press release: The Battle of the Bulge set for this Friday in court. Mayor Lucas had Clay Chastain arrested for trespassing (@ City Hall) and will now prosecute his political opponent (possible 180-days in jail and or $1,000.00 fine, if guilty). Clay Chastain could become the first Mayor ever elected in America while sitting in jail because he tried to confront a sitting-Mayor over that Mayors refusal to debate him before the people.

He doesn't want to debate and he doesn't want Chastain, the media or anyone else to ask him why. Lucas cares more about his political ambition than he does the people of Kansas City.

(Reparations / Trans Sanctuary City / Defund Police) Lucas will claim Chastain was arrested for campaigning at City Hall (which Lucas and the City says is unlawful). Chastain will counter and say he was just trying to exercise his right to free speech at a City Council Forum.

We will see if our local (imperious) government (led by it's imperious Mayor) is (yet again) successful in it's on-going 30-year war to beat down an activist just trying to help improve Kansas City. 


You decide . . .
