Kansas City Stork Coming Soon To 12th & Oak Threatens Political Turmoil

Baby good tidings are slowly but surely working their way to city hall and the impending news has sparked a great deal of chatter behind the scenes.

Reality check . . . A healthy baby soon to be delivered to a TOP RANKING DENIZEN of city hall is a BLESSING no matter the sordid circumstances. 

Forgive us for our optimism amid so much municipal corruption. 

We pen this blind item post just to let insiders know that WE KNOW and everybody else is talking about it as well. 

Consider this a public service and yet another TKC CELEBRATION OF LIFE!!!

What the plebs should consider . . .

Baby news might get out before the upcoming election but it probably won't make a difference. The real impact of the story will be just another reminder that locals shouldn't believe social media smiles and online lectures about morality . . . Instead, it's better to consider what people DO rather than what they say.

Still . . . Again . . . A bundle of joy delivered to this cowtown is welcomed given that population around the world continues to decline and pretty soon there might not be enough people to work all of those low-end jobs that keep the American economy running.

Read more from both sides of the debate via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Developing . . .