Kansas City Confronts Recycling Distraction

For our most loyal readers . . . Once again we share a truism and hope that it endures like all of the non-compostable plastic garbage clogging our landfills and veins. 


It's a solution that NOBODY wanted and most of the junk just goes straight to the dump with everything else. Only the hopelessly naive would "trust the science" that suggests otherwise.

Still . . .

Recycling copy pressers from city hall might keep a few d-bags from asking tougher questions about the local homicide count or municipal spending.

Here's the word . . .

In the fine print, the city’s recycling website says that apartment buildings with seven or more units will not be receiving a recycling cart, leaving these tenants with two options: to take their recyclables to one of three drop-off locations in the city, or to ask their landlord to contract with a third-party recycling company.

Recycling at apartment buildings can be logistically more complicated than picking up a recycling cart at a single-family home, said Michael Shaw, the director of public works. And Kansas City isn’t the only city struggling to find the best approach.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City has a new recycling program, but how is it working for apartment residents?

Kansas City began distributing new recycling carts earlier this month. But apartment buildings with seven or more units will not receive one, leaving these tenants with two options: take their recyclables to one of the city's drop-off locations, or to ask their landlord to contract with a third-party recycling company.
