Mayor Q Might Finally Make Good On Promise For Kansas City Green Card

Actually . . . 

The odds of this are unlikely and we're certain that the Missouri GOP will step in and smack down this effort if it ever gets serious.

More importantly . . . To provide some REAL news coverage that fact checks local news propaganda: 

The Kansas City ID Card is nothing more or less than a phony & empty campaign promise that local politicos use to justify looting the general fund for urban no-show jobs. They offer the ID as a token to any Spanish-speaking dominant person dumb enough to believe it.

As always, we share a more optimistic assessment of the news hype . . .

"The City Council passed a resolution directing the city manager to report on what such a program would look like. Officials say a city ID would help people who don’t have valid identification access city services."

Read more via link . . .

Kansas City may issue its own IDs to help people access services

Kansas City is beginning to explore a municipal ID program that officials hope will expand access to city services. Last week, the City Council passed a resolution directing City Manager Brian Platt to look into creating a municipal ID program.
