Kansas City Star Condemns Sen. Hawley Concern For Hate Crime Against Christians

The newspaper had a choice . . . They could've acknowledged a legit concern and offered ideas about how ALL AMERICANS can unite to calm escalating hatred and violence in our nation and across the world.

Instead . . . They platformed yet another partisan attack that mostly serves to divide Americans. 

Here's the premise . . .

"Josh Hawley, Missouri’s senior U.S. senator, stepped forward to fan the flames of rage. On Tuesday, he summoned the full force of his platform to suggest that the Biden administration and LGBT activists were somehow fine with the horror in Nashville — that at best they’re taking the killing of Christians lightly, and at worst perhaps even encouraged the slaughter . . .

Untrammeled anger is the natural, even correct response to the heinous crime in Nashville. Many Americans have been living with that anger for years — from Columbine to Sandy Hook to Parkland to way too many other school shootings. The alternative is to become numb to evil. Yet Hawley’s thunder seems anything but genuine."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Josh Hawley was against hate crime laws - till he could exploit the Nashville shooting | Opinion

The worst thing about a mass shooting in America is, well, the mass shooting: the bloody death and horror and devastated communities our all-too-routine slaughters leave behind. The constant cycle of mourning is exhausting and embittering. The second-worst thing? People who exploit those tragedies for power.

Biden jokes he doesn't believe Christians were targeted in Nashville shooting if Sen. Hawley does

President Biden laughed off a question from a reporter on Tuesday about whether the transgender shooter at a Christian elementary school in Nashville was targeting people of faith. "I have no idea," Biden, 80, told the media assembled outside the White House on Tuesday when asked if Monday's deadly shooting rampage that claimed the lives of three children and three adults at The Covenant School in Tennessee was an attack targeting Christians.
