Our KICK-ASS TKC blog community was FIRST to preview this pricey move last week.
And now . . .
Again . . .
For the record . . . Whilst we agree that the need to confront crime is KCMO's most pressing crisis, over the years, we've confirmed that these type of groups have very little to no efficacy when it comes to curbing homicide & violence stats.
And now . . . THANK TO THE MOST BAD-ASS KC INSIDERS . . . Here's the SLUSH FUND sneak preview e-mail FIRST on this blog . . .
Subject: Press conference for violence prevention
Hello colleagues,
You are all invited to attend the press conference announcing the legislation for appropriating $30 million for violence prevention in the budget.
Please see the details of the media alert for the press conference below.
We are also preparing a press release and would like to offer you the opportunity to provide a statement in the press release. Please send you press release statement to me by COB tomorrow Feb 7.
With 16 homicides already this year, we are on track for another record year of homicides. Thank you for your support and agreement that NOW is the time to truly invest in preventing violence in our city. Please feel free to contact me with questions.
[PRESS CONFERENCE] Kansas City council members to sponsor and present legislation to fund $30 million for violence prevention programs
Nine Kansas City Council Members will introduce legislation to appropriate $30 million over the next five years for violence prevention programs across the city. The council members are in favor of the proposal and are now calling on the City Manager to budget the allocation of funding.
As you've previously reported on violent crime in our city and the violence prevention organizations aiming to make a change, I'd like to invite you to attend a press conference addressing the investment from the city council.
The press conference, held by the council members, will begin at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8 on the 26th floor of Kansas City City Hall. Media members are encouraged to attend and interview the council members about this historic investment for our city.
What: Press Event featuring speakers from the Kansas City Council and community organizations, proposing legislation for $30 million allocation for violence prevention.
When: Event begins at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday February 8. Media encouraged to arrive no later than 12:10 p.m.
Where: 26th floor of the Kansas City, Missouri City Hall - 414 E 12th St, Kansas City, MO 64106
* Honorable Mayor Quinton Lucas
* KCPD Deputy Chief Jospeh Mabin, Deputy Chief Louis Ortiz
* Nine City Council Members - Kevin O'Neill, Dan Fowler, Brandon Ellington, Melissa Robinson, Eric Bunch, Lee Barnes, Ryana Parks-Shaw, Andrea Bough, Kevin McManus
* KC Community Organizations:
- Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission - Rick Armstrong
- AdHoc Against Crime - Brandon Mims
- KC Mother's in Charge - Rosilyn Temple
- Center of Conflict Resolution - Annette Lantz-Simmons
- KC Common Good - Klassie Alcine
- Uncornered - Mark Culliton
- KC 360 - Pastor Darren Faulkner
- Partners for Peace- Melesa Johnson
- Plaza Area Council - Kate Marshall
- Faith Community Leaders
- Neighborhood Leaders
Why: In 2020, the Kansas City City Council adopted the Kansas City Blueprint for Violence Prevention, a plan to reduce violence in Kansas City with collaborative partners and community organizations. Since then, Kansas City has seen more than 500 homicides and had its three deadliest years on record. Nine City Council Members have come together proposing legislation to finally implement the KC Blueprint, KC 360 and Partners for Peace. The proposed legislation calls for $30 million to be distributed over the next five years.
Please excuse typos-sent from cell
Yours In Service,
Ryana Parks-Shaw
Councilwoman, 5th District
Developing . . .
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